
3 Deadly Sins of Inventory Management

Sales numbers are not the only factor that influence a business’ bottom-line. Inventory management is just as important, and managers need to be wary of a few common inventory management mistakes to avoid.

The Dance of Technology and Business

Conducting business is no longer as simple, and dare we say primitive, as being present in the store at the point of sale, making said sale, recording said sale and replenishing inventory stock – all in a very hands-on manner.

Shipping Musts and Must-Nots

Online purchasing has not-so-slowly and very surely become the way people shop. It is efficient, convenient and best of all can be done without any concern for traffic or trying to find dreaded car-parking at a mall.

6 tips to help you create compelling content for your website

You’ve found a web developer to help put your website together, and a graphic designer to help you create your brand, now it’s up to you to write the words for your website! The information and words on your website is also called content, or copy, and is used to promote your products and services, […]

Lean manufacturing and the coffee roast

The coffee category of the hot beverage industry is thriving, with the number of coffee drinkers growing each year. Cafes and coffee vans are everywhere, meeting our seemingly unstoppable need for a regular caffeine fix.

The Basics of a Good Business Plan

By writing down a clear goal or vision, it can later help staff identify with the mission. Set goals and objectives for the business Goals can be both big and small to accommodate your business plan. Short term goals are goals that you would like to reach in the first 12 months, while mid-term goals […]
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